Friday, March 31, 2006

5 New Partners Join Yahoo! Search Marketing Network

Yahoo! Search has recently added 5 new Partners to their network of distribution partners. Connexion by Boeing, Napster, Technorati, Userplane, Verizon Central. Yahoo! seems to be reaching out into a broader demographic of web users, trying to compete with Google’s ever reaching arm through their Google AdSense network of publisher sites. A good move on Yahoo’s part? Sure, why not. The more places you are, the more chance you have of users clicking on your ads. But will it be good for Yahoo Advertisers, and produce a positive ROI? That I’m not as confident on, we'll see.

One disadvantage that Yahoo! Search has in comparison to Google AdWords is Google’s targeting capabilities for the advertiser are much more refined. Advertisers have more control of who see's their ads through and who doesn’t. Yahoo! has definitely been trying to catch up, i.e. with local search, but they are still a mile or so behind Google.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that Yahoo is a very effective advertising medium if an advertiser wants to reach search users at the very moment they type specific keywords into the search engines. So even though Yahoo! may be behind Google in the ranks, Yahoo still is far more effective than many other online marketing channels. So we'll see how the new Yahoo Search partners play out for advertisers. For more information and tips on pay-per-click or search engine marketing, visit


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