Friday, May 26, 2006

Ezine Advertising - The Fastest Way to Affiliate Profits

Ezine Advertising - The Fastest Way to Affiliate Profits By: Derrick VanDyke

If you're on a tight budget or want to get started quickly without a website or a list of your own, then ezine advertising should be your number one choice.

Ezine advertising is the perfect solution for beginners who want to test a market and get into profit fast.

Here's why:

It's highly targeted. People subscribe to ezines to receive information about specific topics. You just need to find ezines that cover topics related to the product your are promoting.

It's cost effective. You can find ezines that sell ads for as little as $8 - perfect for testing a new product idea.

It's a cheap way to test your ad copy. You can track several ads at the same time for next to nothing and find out which ad pulls the best.

What Is An Ezine?

An ezine is similar to a printed magazine except that it's delivered electronically via email. And instead of purchasing an ezine, people sign to receive it for free or a monthly subscription fee. Most ezines are published weekly, but some are published daily, monthly or bi-monthly.

Types of Ezine Ads

Classified Ads: the cheapest and the least effective ads you can buy. Classified ads are limited to two or three lines and placed at the end of the ezine. Some ezines even give away free classifieds as an incentive to subscribe. Unless you place a classified ad in an ezine with 30,000 subscribers or more, your chances of getting a response are very small.

Sponsor Ads: these are more expensive than classified ads, but will give you a much better response. Sponsor ads can be placed at the top, middle or bottom of an ezine issue. You can include more text in a sponsor ad so it's a good way to test your copy before going all out on a solo ad.

Solo Ads: this is the king of all ads because your offer is sent exclusively to everyone on the mailing list and gets full attention of the subscribers. No articles or other content is included. Solo ads can be expensive, but they can increase your response by as much a 100% over sponsor ads. You can usually expect a 20% - 30% response rate from a good solo ad.

In other words, if you purchase a solo ad for $100 in an ezine with 5,000 subscribers, you should expect about 1,000 highly targeted visitors.

Note: Solo ads can be purchased for as little as $10. You will get a much better response from a $10 solo ad sent to 500 subscribers than you will from a $10 classified ad sent to 5,000.

Here's your step-by-step guide to successful ezine advertising.

Step One: Subscribe to 10 or more ezines.

Subscribe to ezines that offer top sponsor and solo ads within your budget. Subscribing to ezines before you place your ads will allow you to determine the quality of the list and potential profitability of your campaign before you spend any money. You may want to set up a specific email address for your subscriptions and filter them into a specific folder in your mail program for easy access.

You can search Google for "ezine directories" and "ezine advertising to find quality ezines.

Step Two: Select three quality ezines.

Here are some guidelines for choosing a quality ezine:

1. Does the ezine have a domain name and website where you can subscribe and purchase advertising? This shows that the publisher runs a serious business and is not likely to take your money and run.

2. Is there an article archive? This shows you how long the publisher has been in business and how consistent the publication is.

3. Are subscriptions confirmed opt-in? After you subscribe, you will receive an email to confirm your subscription. This is a sign of a high-quality list. However, this should not be the only determining factor.

4. How often does the ezine owner publish? A weekly or bi-weekly publication is optimal. If you receive daily ads, that's a good sign that people may be desensitized to your message.

5. Does the publisher offer solo ads? A solo ad is one that is sent to the entire list all by itself and usually the most profitable type of advertising.

6. Do the solo ads display the advertiser's subject line? If the subject line is not personalized, results will not be as good.

7. Does the body of the message contain a lengthy disclaimer from the ezine owner that explains their SPAM policy and that they aren't associated with the advertiser and aren't responsible for the content? This is a red flag to me because it makes the reader less receptive to your ad.

8. Do you see the same advertisements multiple times? This is a good sign that the advertiser is getting a good response. One way to be sure is to contact the advertiser and simply ask.

9. Is there waiting period to run your ad in the ezine? A responsive list becomes popular fast and may have a waiting period of a month or more. If you find one, book your ads quickly and mark it on your calendar. It will be worth the wait when your ad finally runs.

10. Does the publisher respond personally to your questions? No response could mean that your mail was filtered. And if you mail doesn't get through, you can bet your ad won't either. Get a solid response before you pay.

Step Three: set up your ad trackers.

Never advertise unless you can track the response. You need to know how many visitors and sales you get for each ad you place so you can determine whether or not you want to run another ad in a particular ezine or upgrade from a sponsor ad to a solo ad.

This information is critical for determining how well each ad campaign does and how well you're converting visitors into sales. Sometimes you just need to tweak your ad copy and run the ad again for better results.

If you get good results the first time, run your ad again in a week or two. Not everyone will buy the first time around. And many who were "on the fence" the first time they saw your ad, may purchase the second time around.

You can find a good ad-tracking service on Google.

Step Four: write your ad.

There are numerous books on writing good copy that you can find by searching Google. But, the best way to come with ideas for good ads is to read the ads in other ezines.

Look for ads that catch your eye. Modify them to fit the product you are promoting and then add your own personal touch. You can include an exerpt from an ebook you are selling, a section from the sales letter, or your personal endorsement.

Step Five: place your ad.

This is the easiest part. You simply fill out a form with your ad copy and credit card information. After you process the order. You will receive a confirmation of when the ad will run. And since you are already subscribed to the ezine, you can verify it yourself. Don't rely on them to send you a "courtesy copy."

Step Six: put half your profits back into advertising.

Okay, sounds simple enough. But where do you put the extra profit?

That's why you track your ads. So you can make an informed decision and maximize your profits.

So if you were going to put half your profits back into advertising, where would you put it?

Let's say you're total profit was $400. Take two hundred and invest it back into the successful ezines and invest the other two hundred into two new ezines. And then multiply your profits from there.

The profit potential of this method is incredible. Once you tap into the strategy and see it working you'll see exactly what I mean. And until you do, you'll have a hard time understanding why I get so fired up about it.

Note: it can take up to two weeks (or longer) to get into some ezines. So it's important to get your spot as soon as possible.

Once you set this system up and find some good ezines to advertise in, you'll be making money completely on autopilot!

Article Source:

Derrick VanDyke is the author of "Affiliate Cash Secrets." He Reveals the Top-Secret Strategies for Creating a Profitable Affiliate Marketing Business While Building a Massive Opt-In List for FREE! Get it here for free.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

43+ Million New Users Are Waiting For Arabic SEO

43+ Million New Users Are Waiting For Arabic SEO By: Peter LeSar

The answer: Form your Arabic SEO plan and team now while your competitors are afraid to. (You will see why later in this article.)

You may be thinking, “Here we go again. First I spent money on Chinese translation. Now you want me to spend money on Arabic translation and localization, too? Will I get the return I expect?”

You may know that English is the language of choice on the Net, accounting for 70% of today’s 12 billion websites. So, if you decide to “go Arabic”, will anyone really see your efforts? If you understand and can deploy some of the new IT trends, the answer should be yes. See below for these trends.

In a press release dated April 26, 2006, European search engine Seekport, along with its the Saudi Arabian partner MITSCO Group, announced plans to launch the Internet search engine "Sawafi" ("sandstorm" in Arabic) later this year. Sawafi is specifically designed to meet the challenges of the Arabic language vs. Net presence.

Specifically, “Everything is to play for Arab world of 280 million people, where Internet penetration is low. There are also large expatriate Arab communities in Europe and North America. There are only 100 million Web pages right now in Arabic, and that's nothing. It's only 0.2% of the total worldwide.”

Company spokesmen stated, “The search engine index is to provide a complete range of all Arabic language websites, in combination with English and French language contents from Arab countries. An important factor will be the adaptation of search to the specific needs of the Arabic user while addressing the numerous peculiarities and dialect variations of the Arabic language. Current search algorithms in the usual Internet search engines are hardly capable of observing even the simplest morphological conditions required to process Arabic-language contents in a meaningful way for users. That is why search engines have so far been under-used in Arabic.”

Are you still not convinced that Arabic SEO is worth your time and money? Via its blog, Google recently activated its Beta version of its online Arabic translation tool. One of the goals is to make the Arabic-language more versatile in Internet terms. This is in addition to Google’s current Arabic search engine efforts. Can improvements based on the new Sawafi competition be far away? What about Yahoo and the other majors?

Now it’s time to go back to your Arabic SEO. Where and how can you tap into the online Arabic-speaking market? By finding a search engine optimization company that specializes in Arabic-language search engines and that has top-notch English to Arabic translation talent.

Your Arabic SEO firm should also understand that there are many Arabic-speaking markets (Saudi Arabia vs. Iran, for example) that require different translation, keyword and tag strategies. They will also need to understand the Arabic- (and English-) based search engine algorithms and placement techniques. This type of knowledge is imperative for you to reach your target market.

So, how do you get started? To be honest, you are going to need to do some research. Search engines don’t show much under Arabic SEO so a better venue is Arabic website-specific forums and message boards. Or, try contacting a proven Arabic translation services provider that offers localization.

I never said that going Arabic would be easy, but the potential payoffs are well worth the effort in terms of future profits. Without SEO, you will get nothing.

Article Source:

Peter LeSar of makes it easy to buy human translation services of the highest quality and at the best price. For your Arabic translation quote or more information, visit

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Most Powerful Link Exchange System in the World!?

The Most Powerful Link Exchange System in the World!? By: Chad Holland

The Most Powerful Link Exchange System in the World!?Anyone who has spent any amount of time with Search Engine Optimization knows or soon finds out that one of the biggest factors in achieving high rankings in the search results is Back Links, (links pointing to your web site from other web sites.) Search engines, especially Google, weigh back links very heavily in deciding what web sites are more relevant.

Obtaining both singe and reciprocal back links can be a tedious and a time consuming process. There are a number of link exchange networks and services out there, but if they were so effective, wouldn't everyone be using them? Every time I start a back linking project for a site I think to myself, 'there's got to be a better way to do this!' Something that doesn't take a lot of time, something that isn't a link farm, (FFA), something that will automatically update my link pages for me with relevant, targeted, related reciprocal links. And on top of all of that have the links and link pages be static html pages stored on my sites server so the search engines know they are links on, from, and to my web site.

Well I have stumbled across a link script that touts being able to do all of the above, and then some. It is one of those services that almost sounds to good to be true. But the more I look into it and test it for myself, the more I become a believer. And to make things seem even more unbelievable, they pay you to introduce other web masters to this revolutionary link exchange system, and they continue to pay you month after month as long as the web sites you introduced to their service remain a user of the system. It so it happens to be one of the best affiliate programs that I have ever come across as well.

The company has been working for a number of years on this system, and they are just releasing it to the public. Claiming to have Google's™ blessing on the effectiveness of the link system, this will spread like wild fire, linking relevant & related web site's together across the web.

So now, when your looking at the tedious task of Link Building, why not put a new spin on things... Now you can Get Paid To Do what you're doing anyway! Targeted Reciprocal Linking.So, Could this possibly be the most powerful link exchange system in the world? You be the judge...Check it out for yourself.

Article Source:

Chad Holland is a professional Internet Marketer, Specializing in Search Engine Marketing. For link building and link exchange get of free trial of the revolutionary new link exchange system that search engines love.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Mobile Blogging or Moblogs – The New Era of Communications

Mobile Blogging or Moblogs – The New Era of Communications By: Jeff Flow

One of the most exciting phenomenon in the world of blogging is mobile blogging. This is sweeping the blogosphere. A lot of bloggers are attracted to blogging because they enjoy being able to quickly make updates for their visitors.

Mobile blogs, which are also know as “moblogs,” take this concept to the extreme by allowing users to post to the blog literally while things take place.

Moblogs and mobloggers keep visitors informed about the good and bad events as they happen all around the world. The effect of this is that international communication is faster and much more accurate.

Most people think that blogging is limited because you have to be at home at your computer in order to post to your blog. However, mobile blogging has allowed bloggers to update their blogs from anywhere. This is a new era of web-based communications that can happen from any location. Moblogging can happen from just about anywhere.

Mobile blogging is just getting started and the technology has only recently hit the global market. The first moblog came about a decade ago and it has only been in the last several years that mobile devises are able to appeal to consumers. Now with camera phones and other mobile technologies, bloggers are going away from their home computers and taking their blogging to the streets.

Moblogging is becoming more and more popular and mobloggers are quickly attracting the attention of the entire blogging community. It is clear that the trend of moblogging is here to stay.

This is all possible because of mobile devices that are hitting the market. A few years ago only a few people had camera phones, now they are everywhere. A moblog can be updated from anywhere. This new breed of blogger can post pictures from sports events or from a public debate at the event. The updates will appear on the blog instantly.

Bloggers can provide the same kind of coverage that live television provides. It will only be a matter of time before mobile video makes a strong showing on blogs.

This new technology puts moblogging on the cutting edge of today’s technology. Keep your eye out for up and coming moblogs.

You could use a moblog to increase the immediacy of your content. You can keep your visitors glued to their screens. Think about how you can use the communication tool to revolutionize your business. Keep charging. God bless you.

Article Source:

Jeff Flow wants to show you every trick, strategy, and technique to boost traffic and sales using FREE blogs--plus how to rank #1 in Google, Yahoo!, and MSN for the keywords MOST searched by your target audience!FREE REPORT

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

How To Avoid Getting Your Adsense Account Terminated

How To Avoid Getting Your Adsense Account Terminated By: Bernie Alexander

Google, being one of the most undisputed search engine leaders is now placing higher importance on the quality and relevancy of its search engine results. Even more so today, now that the company is publicly traded and there are shareholders to satisfy.

For this same reason, doing the wrong things as a Adsense advertising partner, whether intentionally or not, may result in a severe penalty or even having your account terminated.

So, for those who are thinking of starting a career in Adsense, it's a good idea to not only think about the strategies you will be use to generate more earnings but to also be aware of activities that will, more than likely, shorten your career.

The following is a list of things you will definitely want to avoid:

Hidden texts. Filling your advertisement page with text to small to read which has the same color as the background and uses css (cascading style sheets) for the sole purpose of loading them with keyword-rich content and copy, will earn you a penalty award given to those who are hiding links.

Page cloaking. This is the common practice of using a browser or bot sniffers to serve the bots of a different page other than the page the surfer is expecting to see. Loading a page with a bot that a human user will never see is a definite no-no. The goal here is to trick the surfer into visiting a web page you want seen but that the visitor might not have visited.

Multiple submissions. For example, trying to submit one URL as two separate ones. This is definitely inviting trouble and even Adsense account termination. This is good reason to avoid auto submitters. Check first to see if your domain has already been submitted to a certain search engine before you try to submit to it again. If you see it there, then move on.

Link farms. Be wary of who and what are you linking your Adsense to. The search engines know that you cannot control your links in but you can certainly control what you link to. Link farming has always been a rotten apple in the eyes of search engines, especially Google. That is reason enough to try and avoid them. Having more than 100 links on a single page will classify you as a link farm, so be sure to keep that number under that.

Page rank for sale. If you have been online for some time, you might have noticed some sites selling their page rank links or trading them with other sites. If you are doing this, expect a ban anytime . It is okay to sell ads or acquire the link. But combining this advertising with your Adsense advertisment pages is a way to get on the search engine's bad side.

Doorways. This is similar to cloaking pages. It is the common practice of a page loaded with choice keyword ads aimed at redirecting visitors to another “user-friendly” page is a big issue among search engines. There are many SEO firms offering this service. Again, you will want to avoid using this technique.

Multiple domains having the same content. In case you are not aware of it, search engines look at domain IP’s, registry dates and many other things. Having multiple domains with the same exact content is not something you can hide from them.

The same is true with content multiplied many times on separate pages,sub domains and forwarding multiple domains to pages displaying duplicate content.

Many of the rules above apply to most search engines and are not exclusively Google's.

By building your sites with content-rich pages which are designed for human users and not for bots,and by avoiding those things listed above, you can look forward to a successful Adsense advertising partnership experience, not to mention, avoiding the wrath of the search engines and getting your accounts terminated.

Article Source:

Bernie Alexander is webmaster, author and infopreneur. Discover The Hidden Secret To Making Money With Adsense at